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CSRD is a hot topic right now for two main reasons:  Over the next few years, it will significantly impact most businesses in the EU and those around the world that collaborate with EU businesses. This means your business will likely be affected too. Furthermore, CSRD is historically ambitious, demanding more from sustainability reporting than ever before. It's crucial for all companies to start preparing now—and QualiWare is here to help.

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How QualiWare can help with CSRD
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Is your company ready for CSRD?

The CSRD introduces stricter data collection requirements and involves more stakeholders in the reporting process. Sustainability reporting will be held to the same scrutiny as financial reporting, with digital formats and auditable information becoming the new normal. Are you ready?

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QualiWare makes sustainable transformation easier!

QualiWare offers a powerful platform that helps your company comply with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and other relevant laws and regulations related to sustainability. It enables you to concentrate on areas most relevant to your company's strategy, manage risks, and monitor your progress towards achieving your strategic and sustainability goals.

What's more: QualiWare is not just a solution for current needs. It is also a proactive instrument for future readiness and strategic execution. 

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How QualiWare can help with CSRD
QualiWare and Sustainability

FAQ: How can QualiWare help your organization become sustainable?

Find answers to frequently asked questions about how a tool like QualiWare can assist organizations in achieving CSRD compliance, undergoing sustainable transformation, or generally working towards increased sustainability.

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​CSRD Requires CIOs to Strengthen ESG Data Management Strategies

On January 5, 2023, the EU introduced a new set of rules called the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This is all about making companies share more about their social and environmental impacts. Now, around 50,000 companies in the EU need to follow these rules, which is a big jump from the 11,700 companies that had to do this before.

What's more, it's not just companies in the EU that need to pay attention. If a company outside the EU does business with companies inside the EU, they'll also need to follow these new rules. That's why this is something businesses all over the world should know about.

In the Gartner report 'CSRD Requires CIOs to Strengthen ESG Data Management Strategies.' you can find much more information and inspiration.  Enjoy!

Get the Gartner "CSRD Requires CIOs to Strengthen ESG Data Management Strategies"
​QualiWare Sustainability Webinar

Learn how QualiWare can help you manage your journey towards CSRD compliance.

Webinar: Get ready for CSRD!

Don't miss our upcoming webinar on the new EU sustainability directive, CSRD!  

CSRD is a hot topic right now for two main reasons: Over the next few years, it will significantly impact most businesses in the EU and those around the world that collaborate with EU businesses. This means your business will likely be affected too. Furthermore, CSRD is historically ambitious, demanding more from sustainability reporting than ever before. It's crucial for all companies to start preparing now—and QualiWare is here to help.

About the Webinar: Targeted at professionals in compliance and sustainability management, this webinar will demonstrate how our tool facilitates CSRD compliance. 

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best: Led by Martin Tølle, our seasoned compliance expert, and moderated by Kevin Bowles, QualiWare specialist in Enterprise Architecture, this webinar will show you how QualiWare can help you manage your journey towards CSRD compliance. 
Watch the recorded CSRD webinar
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